Tagung „Governance in Europe: Taking Stock for Moving Forward“

Where is the European Union heading beyond the European Parliament elections on 25 May? What are the long-term prospects for the European integration project after years spent in a perpetual crisis mode and unprecedented levels of popular protest against the EU? And, with a neighbourhood of states in transition, what role and contribution can Europe offer in international politics?

On 27 and 28 May the Hertie School of Governance, in marking its 10th anniversary, will bring together leading scholars and European decision-makers to take stock of state-of-the-art governance research and open new perspectives for better governance in Europe.

International scholars discuss governance in Europe with José Manuel Barroso, George A. Papandreou, Wolfgang Schäuble, Kristalina Georgieva, Elmar Brok, Barbara Lochbihler, Margot Käßmann, Norbert Röttgen and Mario Monti.

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