von Alexander Pirang Social media platforms have an inglorious history of algorithmically promoting and amplifying misinformation, hate, and other repulsive behavior. These are serious challenges to the health of our information eco-systems, and they continue to persist, despite platforms’ pledges to tackle the problem. However, we should not overlook another…
Weiterlesen Accountability
von INGA META MATTHES Am 10. Januar 2014 reichte das European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) aus Berlin gemeinsam mit Public Interest Lawyers (PIL) aus Birmingham Strafanzeige beim Internationalen Strafgerichtshof (IStGH) in Den Haag ein. Inhalt der Strafanzeige sind zahlreiche Fälle von systematischer Folter und Misshandlungen an irakischen…
Weiterlesen von MARKUS MAYR The planned Geneva conference will attempt to end the Syrian conflict with a political agreement. Such an agreement has to define a transitional order that accommodates the different groups’ interests. Meanwhile, serious violations of international humanitarian and human rights law by government forces and the armed opposition…
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