Schwerpunkt „Recht und Klimawandel“ des Jungen Forums der Österreichischen Juristenkommission und des ClimLaw: Graz by ANDREAS GUTMANN Climate is heated by fossil fuels whose extraction often causes severe damages both to nature and humans. If the law is to save the climate, it must therefore encompass both burning and extraction of…
Weiterlesen constitutional law
von PAULINA STARSKI Inspite of all the EU-criticism to be heard – a sad highlight was Krystyna Pawłowicz, a Sejm representative of PiS, who declared the flag of the European Union a “dirty rag” – the Polish people are sensitive to all signals coming from official and inoffical EU channels. It…
Weiterlesen von PAULINA STARSKI Right before Christmas the governing right-wing party Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS – which paradoxically translates “Law and Justice”) wrote another chapter in the tragic Polish saga on the disempowerment of the Constitutional Tribunal and the devaluation of the holy grail of modern democracies – the principle of…
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