von LASSE STEGENWALLNER As states intensify their efforts to adopt climate protection measures, they encounter a paradox. International investment agreements (IIAs), initially devised to foster economic stability, are being used by investors to impede climate policies. To illustrate, the Netherlands was engaged in litigation with German energy conglomerates RWE and…
Weiterlesen Investor-State Dispute Settlement
von HENNER GÖTT and TILL PATRIK HOLTERHUS The world economic order is in transition. Reform of the WTO’s multilateral trade system has proven difficult for over a decade now, leading an increasing number of states to promote their mutual trade relations through preferential trade agreements (PTAs). Jagdish Bhagwati’s famous “spaghetti…
Weiterlesen von ANDREAS KULICK* A smack of hypocrisy The outrage has been enormous: “Secret courts” (Geheimgerichte) meeting in “back rooms” (Hinterzimmern) granting “special rights” (Sonderrechte) to large corporations. In the meantime, lawyers make absurd amounts of money while well-meaning domestic regulators get sanctioned for protecting the environment or labor rights and…
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